
One of my informal mindfulness practices is I look up the etymologies of words, every day, often. For decades. It’s the meditative version of all-you-can-eat BBQ Lay’s potato chips. I love BBQ potato chips, but at some point I have to say, One bowl is enough. Or one and a half. I can’t eat as many as I want every time I have some. Which by the way is daily with lunch.

But looking up etymologies? I can have another and another and yet another and then one more, and then again, another one. They form fractals of meaning in my awareness.

Every time I look up a word’s etymology, my mind expands in ways that joggle it loose from the larger binary system and into a spacious place of this and that and the other too, rather than this or that. Etymologies take me into the world of story, images, comparison, and yet another detail that complexifies my vision. This-that-and-the-other-too is one of my favorite places to be.

Sometimes I’m almost glad for having grown up with undiagnosed dyslexia. Out of decades of painful school days and feelings of shame, staring at the page with little sense-making, blurry cryptic dark marks moving so my mind could not decipher them, over time I became a lover of etymologies because knowing a word’s story and history gives it ballast. Letters slow, settle the paper, swap places more rarely. Not being able to read well also made me super grateful for kind teachers. Today when a d and b or c and s or now becomes know or know now or sense since or since sense, and etc., it is the uncommon not the every moment.

My dyslexia-cultivated this-that-and-the-other-too mindset taught me much about inclusivity. How truth always seems to have room for one more story, image, comparison, detail. For one more unique person.

I’m meditating on my love of etymology because this weekend I found myself reading truly for fun. First time in a long time. Because I finally finished a major project. I’m up for my 6 Year Excellence Review at UC Berkeley. That’s good fortune in itself, just to be up for it. But doing it has felt worse than stressful. Even though I am fortunate and have kind colleagues who are supportive, and great students, yet articulating what means most to me, teaching, and for public consumption, is my worst nightmare come alive, 24/7, and for months. A part of me always wants to hide, and not be seen, and truly that would not help me apply for a Continuing Lecturer position in College Writing Programs. So I did what I had to do and tried as I went through the process to center students’ voices, be self-compassionate, stay open of spirit, express my teaching philosophy and document my work, and express the gratitude I feel for this community.

Now it’s done. I uploaded it to the folder where it goes. I sent it on its way with a brave orison of well wishes. And celebrated this weekend in high fashion. I walked in the marsh without the burden of creating a self-statement and evidence file for my review. I bought some raspberry Danish rounds from Raley’s. I started reading Abigail Thomas’s What Comes Next and How to Like It: A Memoir. All good choices.

Thomas writes in a collage style I love. It’s like poetry and the best prose, all in one. Lyrical. Also grounded. She makes scenes we can enter. She’s real and kind. And genre-defying works have always been my jam. They resist the binary too.

I won’t spoil your experience of this memoir with any plot reveals. I’ll only say it’s a beautiful and moving work. At one point Thomas meditates on failure, speaking my language:

I am trying to convince myself that failure is interesting. I look the word up in the American Heritage Dictionary to find its earliest incarnation, but it has always been just ‘failure.’ There’s no Indo-European root meaning originally ‘to dare’ or ‘mercy’ or ‘hummingbird’ to make of the whole mess a mysterious poem. I can find no other fossilized remains in the word. Humility comes along on its own dime. (35)

Thomas sent me searching for failure.

It first turns up in the English language in the 1640s. Ironically in “a fayler of Justice in the highest Court of Justice.” This seems prescient. Failure there means “something not-occurring, an omitting to perform something due or required.” I wish we had confined failure to a legal term. An indicator that human rights have not been upheld. Because once it entered the binary slipstream of the English vernacular, it seems to have lost its compass for nuance.

In English, failure early on had different meanings too: “a lapse, a slight fault; weakness,” “the fact of becoming exhausted, breaking down in health, declining in strength,” and what it means mostly today: “not effecting one’s purpose; lack of success.”

That last definition, “not effecting one’s purpose,” seems to have become increasingly separated from a context of growing and recalibrating when we misstep or lapse or need to deepen our approach. Failure seems mostly narrowed today to mean “LOSER.” Against that, a whole industry of self-help books has arisen, like Megan McArdle’s The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well Is the Key to Success. Which I bought recently when a student recommended it. Even its title leans into the binary of up and down, failure and success.

But what about the roots of failure?

To find these, we go back a few centuries, almost a millennium even. In Old French, in faillir. From the early 12th century on, faillir had abundant meanings: from “lacking,  missing, absent, short of, losing [something]” to “destroying,” “breaking an agreement,” “letting down,” “being unsuccessful,” “collapsing,” “missing a target,” “diminishing,” “being unprofitable,” “weakening,” “ceasing,” “malfunctioning,” “not thriving,” “deceiving,” even “not living a good life” (see an Anglo-Norman Dictionary here).

You find something similar in the seventeenth-century in France. In my much-loved A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues compiled by Randle Cotgrave, faillir means:

To faile; slip, slide; erre, misse; mistake, misunderstand; offend, goe astray, doe amisse; also, to omit; lacke, wante; also, to quaile, decay, fade; faint, or tire; also, to deceive, or disappoint; also, to surcease, leave, end.

If we dig further, we find that our failure comes not only from the Old French faillir, but that faillir is from the Vulgar Latin *faillire, from Latin fallere, “trip, make fall,” and figuratively, “deceive, trick, cheat; be lacking or deficient.”

So, at heart, failure has a pratfall. I like to think of it as we’re doing our best and still stumble. We were aiming for the bullseye but hit the barn instead.

Even “lapse,” one of failure‘s early meanings, has roots in lapsus for “a slipping and falling.” Of course this reminds me of my friend Nicolas Herman. Brother Lawrence says to a friend of his who is discouraged, a nun, in letter 7 of my recent translation Practice of the Presence that we all “stumble,” get distracted and discouraged:

You are telling me nothing new in your letter. You’re not the only one who has distracting thoughts. The mind is extremely likely to wander, but the will is the mistress of all our powers, and must draw the mind back and carry it to God as to its final end.

When the mind has not been taught early on how to return, to be led back to itself, it can develop some unhealthy habits of becoming distracted and scattered. These are difficult to overcome. These tendencies ordinarily drag us off to earthly things, in spite of ourselves.

I think that a solution for this is to admit our stumbles and humble ourselves before God. During set times of silent prayer, I advise you not to use many words. Long discourses often create distractions. Hold still before God in prayer like someone who is poor, who is unable to speak or walk, and who is waiting at the gate of a wealthy person. Do your best to keep your mind in God’s presence. If it wanders or pulls away sometimes, don’t be discouraged. Distress tends to distract the mind rather than to focus it. We must use the will gently to bring it back. If you persevere in this way, God will have mercy on you.

An easy way of bringing your mind back during the set time of prayer and holding it there more at rest, is not to let it wander much during the day. Hold it attentively in God’s presence. As you get used to thinking of God from time to time, it will become easy to remain calm during times of prayer, or at least to bring the mind back when it wanders.

In my other letters I’ve already spoken at length with you about the benefits gained from this practice of the presence of God. Let’s devote ourselves to it seriously and pray for each other.

With his signature gentleness and calmness in mind, and with many talks coming up, recently I have been considering how much I need to feed myself good writing, good words, good reminders of what it means to be human. I think it’s a universal thing. Not just me. People of all faiths, wisdom traditions, and philosophies find such reminders in their various writings, scriptures, images, sculptures, tapestries, and more. Also, there is what some call secular poetry, literature of all kinds, and words of wisdom found here and there in unexpected places, fresh as dew. Some of us find food in all of these.

Lectio divina or “sacred reading” is how monks and nuns ate nourishing words in the communities that grew up around the teachings of Jesus, whose pedagogy was Love. Bede names us “animal ruminando,” or “ruminating creature,” meaning “ones who need nourishing soul food to chew on,” as I like to define it.

Since I have dyslexia still, sometimes it’s still hard for me to remember things, so I make mnemonics. Here’s one I made for lectio divina, which merely means “steeping in nourishing words that you like a lot.”

Although lectio divina is organic and not at all linear, we humans like to intellectualize it, flatten it, make it straight, aka, give it “steps.” Trying to tame the wild. One, two, three, four. Like that. It’s been going on since time out of mind. Looking at you, Guy.

Guigo 2, or Guy, was a French Carthusian monk of the 12th century. He wrote Scala Claustralium: Epistola de vita contemplativa or Ladder of Monks: Letter on the Contemplative Life. It breaks down contemplation into stages, seen below:

Lectio                     Read

Meditatio               Meditate

Oratio                    Pray

Contemplatio       Contemplate

My mind takes that and sees LMOC and RMPC and comes up with, after steeping in it a while:

Recognize            Love

My                         My

Peaceful               Other

Center                   Companions

These are more like clothespins to hold my thoughts on the line in the breeze, to flutter and dry, absorb the fresh smell of sun and wind.

And my dyslexic mind chews on their etymologies:

Lectio has in it legere, “collect, gather up, pick out.” That reminds me reading is an active process. & Read is cognate with reason and riddle. If instead of “Can you read this?” we said, “Can you riddle this?” that to me is reading, riddling.

Meditatio / Meditate is cognate with medicine, from med-, “to take appropriate measures,” and that etymology reminds me that being mindful is good medicine.

Oratio is cognate with orator, oral, and comes from *os- “mouth.” Orare meant “speak before a court or assembly, plead,” also “speak, pray to.” & Pray is cognate with precarious and has roots in “ask earnestly, beg (someone).”

Contemplatio / Contemplation has roots in either *tem- for “cut” or *ten- for “stretch.” A temple is “a place dedicated to the service of a deity or deities, ground that is consecrated or set apart for the taking of auspices and the worship of a god,” as one dictionary reminds. In other words, it’s “a place reserved or cut out (*tem-)” from its surroundings and dedicated to such, or “a place where string has been stretched (*ten-) to mark off the consecrated ground.” Think also of your temple, the flattened area on either side of your forehead, and we see temple’s roots here in *temp- from *ten- for “stretch,” meaning “stretched skin.”

“Reach My Peaceful Center, Love My Other Companions” / Read-Meditate-Pray-Contemplate & Lectio-Meditatio-Oratio-Contemplatio also mean to me self-compassion and recognizing (or remembering) that I (my True Self, or Love) am my own first companion and friend and that all others are made in the image of Love and are my companions. Where etymologically I’m reminded that companion means one or those with whom I break bread (com– “with” and pan “bread”).

Often, we seem to feel a “failure” in contemplation perhaps because our definition of failure needs a reboot and also perhaps because we haven’t fed our minds something nourishing first. Yes, you can do contemplation with a Mary Oliver poem, as one example of many. Whatever you find gives your life meaning. Whether that is scripture, literature of all sorts, or a gem you found in a friend’s story.

Also, whenever scriptures are concerned, it seems that “steeping” in them would also involve at some point reading them through all the way, several times, to get one’s own “gist” of what they are about, and to do so, studying them with diverse commentaries that dig into history, linguistics, and culture. In the same way, reading all of Mary Oliver (prose and poetry) really helps a person more appreciate just one poem of hers that you might be meditating on repeatedly.

It also seems that if such a study of whatever material I have picked out for the steeping that is lectio divina doesn’t have its core meaning as “Love,” then I should really move on to some other passage or work that does, for meaningful, active, nourishing engagement.

The experience of all deep reading or listening, meditation or reflecting on it, oratio or opening of the heart there, and contemplation or entering the silence, makes us like our creature friends the cows, where juicy green words about the Mystery of Love are chewed until they become our very own milk that feeds the marrow of our own days, growing our self-compassion and active love for others, too.

It’s not hard. We just need an intention to. Hunger. A few good words. And to chew. Learn to rest. Let go.

Ask Your Professor

Every semester, all semester long, from Day 1 and sometimes before Day 1, I give my students surveys. Survey means to “look over,” but actually I think of them more as “listening tours.” I plan countless hours, pouring myself into course design and then into the time-intensive buildout on Canvas. Then I meet students, listen to them through surveys, in conferences, and in other ways, and then day-by-day tailor-make my courses to fit the actual individuals in them. It takes more work and isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it.

This semester I taught 3 courses, two of which were Advanced Research CWR4B, designated as fully online for students who are immunocompromised or are dealing with other challenging illnesses and precarities. They are a wonderful two sections of students, and we’ve had a good semester. But several have gotten COVID, there’ve been deaths in the family (not uncommon anymore), and they’ve known other hardships, family emergencies, and other stresses.

One survey that is pretty much given every year about this time is my End-of-Year survey. Students do it and upload it as an assignment. I give them time to do most of it in class, and most finish in the 20-30 minutes we take for it. The survey contains these prompts for my students in Advanced Research CWR4B:

Please respond to questions below. When done (only one thoughtful sentence each, please), upload your survey on Canvas:

  1. Who are you? (one thoughtful, detailed sentence only, per prompt, please)
  2. How has the research you’ve done influenced your understanding of who you are–how has it shaped, changed, or affirmed your identity?
  3. Of all you learned in CWR4B, what most surprised or delighted you to learn, and/or what are you most proud of that you’ve accomplished in CWR4B this semester?
  4. What did you learn about the research process or about libraries that will stick with you longest as you go forward in your remaining time at Cal as well as into your career? Also, please just add “yes” or “no” here: Did you meet with a librarian one-on-one? If so, with whom, and how did that one-on-one meeting help you become a better researcher? If not, just write “No.” It was not a requirement–I’m just curious.
  5. During our many in-class and on-Canvas discussions, what is one story/experience you learned about another classmate or from another classmate that really changed how you view the world or research? You may omit or include the classmate’s name, as you wish.
  6. What class activity or assignment most helped you understand how to navigate the library’s research treasures, and what work that you did on your own most helped you understand what it means to research?
  7. What was your definition of research coming into CWR4B, and what is your definition now of research here in our last weeks of CWR4B? 
  8. What do you yourself most need and want to do to finish strong in CWR4B? 
  9. What can I most do to help you as our semester together ends?
  10. A question about online class delivery, to help me help future researchers / students / R4Bears: To provide accessibility to all students, our CWR4B is designated as a fully-online learning/class to help students with immunocompromised health and/or other challenges. What is the one most difficult aspect of a fully online course that you find most difficult, and what can I do about it to make that aspect better?

I remind students of my rationale in this way: “Metacognitive activity is a strong component of any excellent researcher’s toolbox (as are empathy and compassion). You know I’ve listened to you through surveys since Day 1 and all during our time together. Here is another chance a) for you to reflect on your personal journey and identity and b) for me to listen to you and to learn more about you and how you learn and what you’ve learned. So these surveys help you, they help me, and they help future students.”

I decided to mix it up a little this year, and led in to this End-of-Year survey by asking them the class before it to answer these two questions just in the Zoom chat: “What keeps you grounded, and If you could ask me anything as a Cal professor and/or as a human being, what would you ask me?”

Here are questions from two classes of first-year students and sophomores. Their questions were so sincere and wise that they brought out in me not just ad hoc comments in the next class period (the class where I also asked them to take the End-of-Year survey) but made me sit down, take handwritten notes on my ideas for responses, and then type them up, and then revise them. I also recorded them because I only had time to read each class’s questions and my responses, since this time of year especially we have much to get done in class. If you’d like to listen to this 25-minutes “Ask Your Professor,” it’s on my YouTube Channel at “Ask Your Professor,” and you’re invited to subscribe too, once there.

  • If you could go back and do anything different during your time in college what would it be/ why?
    • Worry less about grades. But it’s complicated by the system. Studying in high school with hopes of college was my way out of trauma. My academic scholarships that paid for college were dependent on maintaining top-notch grades, so that complicated my life and added stress. People told me later I had the first 4.0 in college history. My alma mater was founded in 1873 and was known for academic rigor and grade deflation. Eventually, my whole identity was tied up in a 4.0, and that wasn’t healthy for me. I did read and learn a lot, though, thankfully. Good grades were what would enable me to get an education and change my dicey home and socioeconomic circumstances. That stress contributed to panic attacks and recurring stomachaches.
  • What has been a memory that has impacted your life? Has this influenced  why you wanted to become an educator?
    • I’ll never forget when I went for my college interview. Dr. Paulina Noble, an English professor, interviewed me. She must have seen a skinny brown kid who was shy, hunched, not confident, but here’s what she said to me: “You have smart eyes.” I carried that comment with me like a powerful secret, wore it inside me like a magic cloak for years, never forgetting her words. This small award-winning liberal arts college in northwest Georgia offered me the most in scholarship money, so of course I chose it. That and for Dr. Noble.
  • Was there a turning point in your life that guided you to be where you are (career wise, mentality wise)?- open to interpretation
    • I don’t know what age I was because there were many growing-up years that were and are a blur time-wise. But I remember sitting cross-legged on a rough-textured, late-1960s-era, garish orange carpet, quite worn but always clean. I was high school or maybe college age. This is my childhood bedroom. Suddenly I realized I had to forgive someone because if I didn’t it would be mortally unhealthy for me. And I asked the Universe for that. Help me forgive x-person for x and x and x and x. I don’t want to, but if I don’t, I’m worried for myself. I don’t know how to either, but help me do it. Somehow. I felt a shift. New space opened. I can’t explain it, and it took time, and honesty about my experience, and new boundaries, and it was hard, but after some years, it was done. In some ways, it goes on even into today, because healing from trauma takes ongoing self-compassion, much learning about and honoring of my voice, much meditation, and lots of healthy community.
  • Could you give us one piece of advice as college students?
    • Trust your gut.
  • Who was/is your role model and why?
    • Well, at 6, it was Batman. The cartoon version from the 1960s. He had genius-level intelligence, was a master detective, a master escapologist, was in top condition physically, was a martial artist, and fought for good and for the underdog—all things I wanted and felt I lacked. Later, my true role model has always been my first and longest best friend, my mother, who exemplifies that person who believes in you, no matter what, and who tells you, always, that they believe in you 100%. She has always seen people as people, never valuing a CEO or a Superintendent or a wealthy person over a cleaning person or a teacher or a person who is homeless or poor. She treats everyone with respect. Her model taught me a lot about kindness. How kindness isn’t earned by some rules that change depending on whether someone is “useful” to another or not, but that kindness is given to all. My mother is the type of person whose heart aches knowing that one person in the world is hungry, without a home, without healthcare, and without love, so that sticks with me, because she has lived out that concern-for-others her whole life.
  • It honestly surprises me that some educators care a lot about their students (you!) but others just teach the course material and provide minimal support. How would you inspire other educators to provide the care that students appreciate and need most times?
    • Thank you, first. Your kind words encourage me. I don’t know how to do that, how to inspire others in this way. I think that intention matters because as a teacher, there is so much listening involved, and no matter how much you plan and prepare (which for me is countless hours), you have to be a kind of jazz musician, where you also are willing to turn up, listen to your students and their situations and strengths and needs, and then respond in the moment to those unique human beings who make Cal great (you all). That means you have to be willing to revise your carefully planned curriculum as you go, rather like an experienced, much-practicing-beforehand jazz musician riffs. Michelle Obama said in an interview, “Don’t hug unless you mean it, because people will know the difference.” Her words made me think: “Don’t teach unless you mean it, because people will know the difference.”
  • If you could have any other career what would u have done?
    • Race car driver in Europe or a therapist.
  • What’s your least favorite part about being a professor at Cal?
    • Grades. I could write a paper or even a book on how I think grades are tied to an ancient oppressive system that doesn’t encourage learning; however, I teach composition, research, and public speaking, where students aren’t learning how to do heart surgery. I do think we are learning comparably important skills: how to spot mal-, mis-, dis-information, how to respect each other and have cross-cultural conversations, how to be good citizens, how to cultivate healthy community, how to honor your voice, and how we can contribute to the Common Good.
  • What is one piece of advice you would give a college student for the future?
    • VOTE.
  • If you decided not to be a professor/writer, what do you think you would be doing right now?
    • I’d be lonely, because students have brought such meaning to my life! (I really like how you put together “professor/writer” here in your question.)
  • What is the best gift you’ve received?
    • So many. Life. My children. Sean.
  • Did you face any hardships while a student and female that made you question your profession/career? If so, how did you overcome it? I’m interested in stories of overcoming adversity from a female perspective.
    • My father told me I couldn’t go to college. He said he had three children behind me, and he couldn’t afford it. He wouldn’t help me, and I shouldn’t even apply. I was a senior in high school. So I used money from my job at Granny’s Fried Chicken and quietly applied to three colleges, and it was so expensive to do that. I was the fast-food restaurant’s opening employee, getting there at the crack of dawn to set up the ice cream machine, stock out the restaurant, get the tator tots ready to go for deep frying, chop the coleslaw by hand with a huge knife, sweep the parking lot, and get the cash registers up and running. Once I made it into college, I worked as a secretary to a professor to earn money to pay for my books. This was 1979, and one semester a professor had us buy 8 books, all expensive, and my book bill was $400, which for that time was hugely costly. I looked it up. That’s about $1,650 in money today, for one semester’s worth of books. And all during my years at college, there was hardship at home. I treated schoolwork like it was a job. I worked hard to stay in school and was stressed 24/7, but a few kind professors helped me keep going, too. I’ve never forgotten them or their kindness. I try to pay it forward.
  • What are some of your favorite books/ books you recommend to read!
    • There really are too many to mention. I’ve spent countless hours reading. Some of these are from my growing-up years. Pippi Longstocking. The Alchemist. All of Carl Jung. Flowers for Algernon. Anne of Green Gables & Percy Jackson, which I read to our children. Watership Down. Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific on a Raft. Tolkien, especially The Hobbit. All of Mary Oliver, poetry and prose. Diary of Anne Frank. The Outsiders. Heidi. The Little Prince. All of D. W. Winnicott. All of Ann Ulanov, especially Primary Speech.
  • What was the worst piece of advice someone gave you?
    • An English professor at my college whom I looked up to told me when I shared my desire to write children’s books: “You don’t want to do that.” Then told me: “Here’s why you don’t want to do that.” This professor’s response helped me see what not to do. I would listen instead.
  • A piece of advise for finding your passion
    • Be self-compassionate. Be kind to you. Listen to your heart. Be with people who support you 100%. Don’t be shy about telling people what you bring to the table. Hone your public speaking skills in your downtime, even if by practicing what you’d say if someone asks you: “Tell me about yourself.”
  • What is one awesome thing about being a professor that you’ve discovered over the course of your career?
    • I realized over time that what I say to students and genuinely mean, and what I hope for students (which is that you self-actualize and succeed), I also hope for myself. I only realized that fairly recently. Cal students taught me. So I truly mean: “Honor your voice. Contribute to the Common Good. Go forth and conquer, O ye mighty ones.” And also I think, I’m reminding myself of all that.
  • What is your dream destination to vacation at
    • Georgia—to see my family. Next—Anywhere in Hawaii.
  • What keeps YOU grounded?
    • Meditation. Breathwork. Walking. Walking meditation. Being out in nature. I go to the marsh to see creation’s beauty. I go to remember I can’t fly and how beautiful bird flight is. To marvel. Family and friends keep me grounded.
  • What do you think Cal can do better?
    • Listen to students and act on what is said.
  • What’s the most interesting thing you have experienced or the most interesting interaction you’ve had?
    • Standing before the Grand Canyon. That awe is profound. And I’ve had the joy of meeting a lot of people (especially authors) I respect and admire who are also famous, but that’s not what stays with me in the end because everyone is just a person, no matter how accomplished. So here’s my story. When I was in graduate school, my brother was in a severe wreck, he and his friends hit by a drunk driver, who died. Two of my brother’s best friends died. They were in their late teens, early twenties. Gone. I left graduate school at UGA for a week to tend to him. He had nearly died. I was trying to make all As since that was what was expected, and UGA had just shifted to a new way of testing Ph.D. students, and a lot of my friends had failed out of the program, which was distressing. It was all about intellect and analysis, and the stress to perform was heavy. At the end of my time in grad school, I was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, so I made it, but this was during my Master Degree, so my success was by no means assured yet. Meanwhile, my brother had a cracked skull from the wreck and a chip had come off of it. I saw it. He was also in a back brace, sleeping on the sofa because it was stiffer and also he couldn’t be moved back to a bedroom yet. One night when he was asleep and I was up watching him, ready to bring him water, and help with whatnot, I was thinking how he almost died. I looked over, and he was enveloped, even cocooned in a white light the likes of which I’d never seen before nor since. A graduate student trained to question everything, I was like, This can’t be. I must be imagining things. So I closed my eyes, turned away, kept them closed for a beat to “reset,” then turned back, and opened them. This white light that I’d never seen before and I’ve not seen since was still there. I did that a third time. Still there. So I stared at it. It wasn’t scary but it also wasn’t earthly. It was Other. All I could figure was it was like my brother had been to the other side, he’d been dipped in it, and he had somehow come back. This light was from that dipping. I still don’t know what it was.
  • Anything I would ask Professor would be what motivates you to wake up every morning? For students it’s to push through schools, or grades, etc. but what is that thing for you?
    • I get up wanting to help students honor their voices and succeed. I am still so grateful for teachers K-12 and professors who did that for me. There were many. I want to help empower and inspire students to invest in themselves and (continue to) contribute to the Common Good. To do that, two things are needed. I’ve got to continue trying to honor my own voice (a work in progress), and I’ve got to figure out new ways daily to listen to my students, to what they are really saying, and then act on that.
  • what inspired you to write a lot of your books on spiritual translations?
    • First, for my own healing. They pulled me to them inexplicably even before my intellect quite knew what they were offering me. The works I’ve translated are widely acclaimed ancient medicine for the soul, self, body, and mind. Childhood trauma led me out into nature, as it did Mary Oliver, the poet. While there, nature saved me, as it did her, and I started meditating, without and before knowing it. The books I translate are all about kindness. They are universal, for everyone. They have global appeal and reach across religious, wisdom tradition, and other divisions, to anyone wanting to know how to be more human (in the best sense of that word). Their authors lived in the 900s, in the 1300s, in the 1600s, and in other ancient times. Though these authors are technically “dead,” they are alive to me, and translating them is what first gave me a community of friends who help me a) deal with my shadow self and also b) discover the gold in my shadow, the good in me and my talents. Since then, I’ve been fortunate, through translation, to make friends with those who are doing this work also today.
  • What’s your favorite part about being a professor at cal
    • You. You all. Period. My students. Learning from and teaching my students. You all inspire me. Daily.
  • what is your favorite part of your career? As an author/professor/translator…what do you like about each job?
    • As an author, I love how writing articles and books helps me be and stay a student. As I’m researching and writing and revising, I regularly experience those moments of “WTF am I trying to do here? What does this mean? How will I organize this?” Genuine confusion. That’s part of the learning process, when done well. So being an author reminds me how students feel starting something new. It makes me more compassionate as a professor. Then, as a professor, I love when a student says, “I see!” after many struggles, and when a student writes me years later to say, “Thanks for the recommendation. I got my dream job!” As a translator, I love how translation requires me to listen actively so that I can hear what the work and what the author are actually saying rather than what I wish they were saying. That means, I only translate texts that are kind and open-minded inherently. Translating is the most intimate form of reading, it’s meditation, and it requires applying all of my linguistic and scholarly skills in an intense way over sustained periods (a marathon of sorts, and one I love, and trained for). Translating, I find that these classic texts translate me to myself. I grow. I heal. I translate these works for everyone, including my students, and I do it with an inclusive mindset, hoping we can find more peace, meaning, and joy in these texts.
  • What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
    • With my family on a hike in Briones Regional Park. Or, alternatively, with a book and a cup of coffee or tea.
  • I would like to ask how do we manage stress and emotional downfalls towards the end of the semester? It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions this week and sometimes I just feel like I am stuck.
    • I’m so sorry to hear you feel stuck. We all know this feeling, and it’s never fun. The awareness of it is helpful, though, so I applaud you for that. It seems for me the solution is complex—being with family and friends; trying to eat well, sleep, drink water, meditate, exercise (one reason walking meditation is so helpful to me); having a support group I check in on and who check in on me; and going to therapy (is sometimes exactly what I’ve needed)—and Berkeley has student-to-student therapy too (which I learned about from student leaders when I was on the Mental Wellness Taskforce, nominated to that by students: Student-to-Student Peer Counseling at Cal and Lean on Me are two programs you can find there on the collaborative teaching website my CWR1A and CWR4B students made. Please try to be kind to yourself. Also, practicing self-compassion (as researched by Kristin Neff) helps me to no end.
  • What is the best piece of advice you have received?
    • Three come to mind. A student once said about a comment I made in class, “You do you, Dr. Butcher.” I love that. My therapist in Rome, Georgia, said to me often, “Trust your gut. Don’t forget—trust your gut.” That has stuck with me. A wise person once said to me, “Forgive yourself for where you’ve let yourself down or hurt others. Then ask for forgiveness from anyone you have hurt, and atone, do better. Change. Always practice self-compassion.”
  • What’s a piece of art (movie, book, music, etc) that changed the way you looked at the world?
    • Monet. I mean, there are so many movies, books, music, etc, but Monet comes to mind at once. I love how he paints Rouen Cathedral and haystacks, so many of these “same” paintings but at different times of day and/or year, which makes all the difference. He finds the beauty in the nowness of today’s light and this time of day in this season of the year. Those series of paintings are remarkable. When I was a Rotary Scholar at The University of London, these paintings by Monet were exhibited at London’s Royal Academy, I went alone. With Sean. With friends. With family visiting. With friends visiting. I went and went and went. And when I was a Rotary student at Heidelberg eight years before that, right after I graduated from college, I was just an international student from a very rural part of Georgia, Monet was NOT part of my vocabulary, nor were museums. A friend invited me to Zürich, Switzerland, and I went to the Kunsthaus (Art Museum), and there was a wall-to-wall water-lily painting by Monet so all-encompassingly and unbelievably beautiful that before I knew it my usually conscientious, color-within-the-lines 22-year-old self heard an alarm going off. A security guard approaching I darted off realizing I’d touched it without knowing I was going to. Something about Monet.
  • What was your most wonderful experience in college?
    • College was hard for me. Sorry to disappoint, but it was, every day hard for me. I was living through family hardship then, and undiagnosed dyslexia and depression, and putting one foot in front of the other was a gargantuan achievement that cost me so much energy. On the face of it, I looked happy, accomplished, thriving, doing all the extracurriculars and well, but I was dying inside. Among all that, having a kind, brilliant teacher take my writing seriously—Wilson Hall—he commented on my work as I do on yours—gently and specifically. He helped me move from perfectionism in writing to trying to honor my voice. Also, during college we went on field trips for Dr. Hall’s environmental class, up in the beautiful wilderness of northwest Georgia Appalachian foothills. We went hiking and canoeing the rapids, and we all spent one night alone, apart from the group, all by myself, just twinkling stars in an ink-black sky, and that experience has been formative and generative for me, to this day. And I’m very grateful not to be living with depression now and that’s one reason I emphasize therapy and asking for help.

Thank you for asking me these questions. You all rock, Go, Bears!

Please note: I am proudly a lecturer, an adjunct professor, thankful to be teaching at a school that encourages respect for all people, but “Ask Your Adjunct Professor” doesn’t have quite the same snazzy, short ring to it as “Ask Your Professor.”